Infiniti Vision Shop at Bhubaneswar was established in 1999 with the aim to provide high quality eye care services and provide solutions for most eye ailments at an affordable cost in a no frills environment. Over the past more than two decades, we have provided eye care services and optical solutions to close to one lakh people, and continue to do so with passion and grit. Our huge number of loyal patrons who have benefitted from our services and continue to rely upon us bear testimony of the quality and reliability of our services. The promoters of the holding company, Infiniti Eyecare Retailing Pvt Ltd have wide experience in the field of vision care, health care, optical retailing and hospital management.
We will ensure that you receive the best possible care
We believe that everyone deserves to see the world clearly. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to provide patients with the best eye doctors, the most thorough an eye’s health exams, & a wide selection of eyewear delivered with the personal attention you deserve.
Newest Technologies are very quick to put
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High Customer Satisfaction, which enable refresh.
Today, we fit into the perfect frame of services for everyone