Humans have binocular vision, which means that there is overlap of a portion of the visual world perceived by each eye. The binocularity of human vision requires that the position of the eyes to be carefully controlled such that the same part of the visual field falls on corresponding parts of the retina of each eye. If the eyes are misaligned, objects in visual space will be focused on noncorresponding retinal elements. In normal individuals, such retinal image disparity initiates a motor fusional readjustment in the alignment of the eyes to reestablish binocularity. If this fails, then one experiences double vision. Infants and children typically do not experience diplopia because they suppress the image from the deviating or nondominant eye. This places them at risk for amblyopia, a nonorganic loss of vision that may be permanent if not treated successfully during the time of visual plasticity in childhood or early adulthood.
Many people haven’t heard of binocular vision dysfunction, which is sometimes called BVD for short. However, some research has suggested that as many as 56% of adults and adolescents show some symptoms of BVD that may be interfering in their everyday lives. You may even be suffering from binocular vision dysfunction and not even realize it.
Binocular Vision Dysfunction Is An Ocular Condition That Occurs When The Eyes Don’t Align Properly With One Another. Although Our Brains May Try To Correct This Misalignment, It Isn’t Without Considerable Effort And This Results In A Range Of Symptoms That Are Associated With The Condition.
Patients who suffer from binocular vision dysfunction have one eye that is slightly out of alignment with the other. This difference could be absolutely tiny but could still have significant symptoms which have the potential to affect lifestyle, development, learning and performance.
Many people who have BVD are actually misdiagnosed before their BVD is discovered. Some of the most common conditions that are misdiagnosed and later attributed to BVD include vertigo, migraine disorder, dyslexia and even learning disabilities.
There is a huge range of different symptoms that have been associated with BVD that are a direct result of the stress placed on your eye muscles to try and bring your vision into perfect
We at Infiniti Vision Shop are experts in assessing and managing binocular vision anomalies.
If you feel that you or someone you know are in need of a binocular vision assesment please book an appointment.