Vision therapy is safe, drug-free, and effective for both children and adults! While visual acuity (the 6/6 part of vision) requires glasses to improve, visual skills such as tracking together along a line of text must be learned during development, these skills can also be improved later in life at any age.
It is estimated that 1 in 10 children have a vision problem severe enough to affect their learning in school, but school vision screenings can miss up to half of these problems.
Vision therapy is a fully customized and personalized treatment program designed to improve and strengthen visual skills, and re-train the visual system to interpret visual input with increased accuracy and ease. Vision therapy is more than just simple eye exercises — it improves brain-eye communication, and the effective operation of one’s visual system. The aim of vision therapy is to enhance the visual skills — eye-tracking, focusing, convergence, eye-hand coordination, visual processing speed which in turn improves performance.
A comprehensive vision exam with us checks all aspects of eye health, vision, and visual skills, and can ensure you or your child is not struggling unnecessarily with an undiagnosed vision problem.